

WHAT IS A WILL? A will is a document that states how a person's assets will be distributed upon his/her death. Is it a Legal Document? Technically, yes a will is a legal document but it only has a legal effect upon the death of the person making the will. How many wills can a person make? A person may make multiple wills and amend it because how a person wishes to distribute assets upon death may change while a person is alive. So a person can make changes according to change in wish to distribute assets. Which Will is valid? A Will document is of no legal effect until the person making the will, dies. It only becomes a legally enforceable document upon death of the person, thus the final will of the person is the valid will which will be executed. Essential Terms in a Will testator/testatrix - person making the will for distribution of assets upon his/her death. It is the deceased person. executor/executrix- it is the person who is assigned/ appointed to run the estate of the dece
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